Insights to Help Your Business

Consumer Choice at Checkout

A helpful feature in the InsureShield® App for Shopify.

Female opening a package on her couch

What’s the story: Consumer-elected protection is now an option through the InsureShield App for Shopify to meet a customer demand.

Why it matters: Allowing customers to elect protection at checkout improves the shipping experience for them and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

Today’s SMBs are facing a lot. From supply chain disruption and skyrocketing inflation to increased shipping risks, such as porch piracy, it’s tough out there. These market changes can threaten business reputations and test the limits of customer loyalty. To help SMBs improve the shipping experience for customers, UPS Capital enabled a feature within the InsureShield® App for Shopify that lets consumers elect protection at checkout.

"Research by UPS Capital showed that 65% of consumers would be interested in the option to add protection for their packages to specific online orders" said, Mark Robinson, president of UPS Capital. “We’re confident this offering will help Shopify® merchants better prepare for the unexpected, give them opportunities to improve their bottom-line and offer a better customer experience by providing more control and choices to consumers.”

Flexible Insurance That Stands Out
The InsureShield App for Shopify offers flexibility. Protection can be elected for shipments by the consumer at checkout or enabled by the merchant. The merchant can also customize shipping insurance with back-end business rules. Additionally, Shopify users looking for even more personalized options can work with a licensed agent to create the policy.

Turnkey Customization
The business rules that the merchant sets can be broad or specific, including options to insure certain SKUs, products over a certain price point or shipments going to specific regions. This “set it and forget it” approach offers peace of mind that packages can still be covered for high-value or easily breakable shipments even if the consumer opts out.

Easy, Helpful App Features
Merchants can easily see which orders are insured in the app 24/7 to quickly resolve an issue if they need to file a claim. All of the app features are designed to help merchants better protect their brand reputation and enhance the post-purchase experience in the wake of a shipment loss or damage.

If you’re on Shopify, let us help you protect your customer experience in the event of shipment loss and damage. 

Additional Resources

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